1) To provide a networking forum for Local Sports Clubs in the Wirral area.
2) To assess the sporting needs of the Wirral area and to provide help and advice when catering for those needs.
3) To co-operate with Wirral Council and other local bodies in the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Forum and to advise the Wirral Council on the collective opinions of local sporting interests.
4) To promote the benefits of Clubmark accreditation to Local Sports Clubs.
5) To represent the Forum at the Merseyside Sports Council and other committees that may be established.
6) To promote participation in sport amongst all sections of the local community.
7) To receive and consider reports and recommendations from other organisations on any matters concerning the interests of the sporting community, and to take such action as they may deem necessary.
8) To assist in the organisation of special sports events including the Wirral Sports Awards.
9) Raise funds to assist local Wirral sports people in achieving their sporting goals.
The Sports Forum are delighted to announce the appointment of Andy Waring as new Vice Chair with effect from July 2021. Formerly involved with Royal Navy sports teams, Andy on leaving the Navy, took various sports certificates and assisted at Stanton Road School. He is Chairperson of Birkenhead AC supporting events and leagues the club is involved in.
”I want encourage all to enjoy sport for their own health and well-being.”
Our Talk Series meetings will help your club with everything from handling social media to applying for grants and funding.
Unique Sports Bursary Awards only available to WSF members.
Meet members regularly of other sports clubs and organisations and share good practice.
Club development opportunities, for example we provide expert speakers for our Talk Series events on improving your clubs social media presence, funding availability etc.